Viviana Muşa was born in Buzău on November 25th, 1977. She graduated «Titu Maiorescu» University, in Bucharest, with a BA in Psychology and she got her Master degree in Therapy and Recovery in Special Psycho-pedagogy, at BucharestUniversity. In addition, she has successfully completed the graduate program in Psychological Counseling, at BabesBolyaiUniversity, Cluj-Napoca. She is co-founder of «Interdisciplinary Association of Applied Psychoanalysis.» She worked for two years as a therapist in special schools, in Romania and France. Starting October 2006, she has been signing the psychology column in Cuvântul monthly magazine. In 1997, she published her first book of poetry titled The Love of Strangers and in 2008 she published a second book of poetry SpecialSchool at Trei Publishing House. Fragments of her literary works were included in the Spring of Words Anthology (1996) and in Young Literature (2007). She also published in România Literara, Pana mea, Apostrof, Tiuk, and other journals.